Saturday, March 29, 2008

Seriously...I'm a liar.

Hey, you know how I promised two posts yesterday?

I'm a liar.
Because I didn't do it.

So, I just got home from my second day on the Apple floor. The pace is insane. The only thing I can compare it to is:

a daily newspaper.

There's always something going on. It's go go go go


I'm dead tonight. Dead on my feet. Nate says my body will adjust soon. I will be so happy when it does. Thank god for body adaptation.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Blog-a-log twice

I didn't blog yesterday. I forgot a lot of things yesterday. Like umm...well, I can't think of anything right now because I forgot.

Today, I will blog twice to make up for it. I know everyone depends on this to get a high during the day.

Tonight will be my first shift on the Apple Store floor. I am anxious, excited and kind of "butterfly in my stomach"-like. It will be so awesomely cool. I feel like a kid on Christmas. Yep, a freakin' kid waiting for Santa.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Sometimes, just because New Pat's car has turbo, I think fire will come shooting out the back. Or maybe just rocket explosions of power. But it doesn't, which is too bad.

My commute through Parley's Canyon is like a NASCAR race every day. You have to dodge things too, which makes it harder than NASCAR. Things like moose and deer and UPS trucks. I'm surprised sometimes that I'm still alive. Which means I will probably die in a horrific accident tomorrow.

If I had nuclear fusion, then I would just convert my car into a flying car. That'd be better than any car out there.

Even the Prius.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Enya...but not really.

Today was production day at the newspaper. That means we put the pages together, individually, on the computer. Yes, it is very old school. And I don't mean "old skool" like it's awesomely retro or anything.

This means it's usually a pretty stressful day, but then New Pat decided we needed some calming music. We turned on some crazy CD called "Pure Moods." It was so soothing, like something you would hear in a spa. And I didn't get stressed out. It was amazing. We have decided (New Pat and I) that we need music like that every day. So I am on the prowl for more. New Pat thinks we should get a CD of whales and ocean waves. But I feel like we are cheesy enough with the Enya sort of musc we were playing today.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Pets. I wish I had one.

I want a dog. A big dog. Like a Great Dane or Akita. But we live in an apartment, so it's highly unlikely. Probably, we can't even get a little dog. After all, we live on the 10th floor and there is no way that any animal, who has to pee, would ever make it down the stairs in time.

So the whole dog thing would be pretty cruel, I guess, in more ways that one.

That makes me a sad Panda. If you watch South Park, you know what I mean.