Thursday, May 29, 2008

My best friend

I work too much
And sometimes
It seems like we are best friends who see each other infrequently.
Conversation has slowed to pathetic play-by-plays
Of our days.
I should dig deeper,
Tell you things like I used to.
But the exhaustion eats me
And sleep doesn't afford me the strength.

I have traded time with you
For responsibility.

My best friend. I miss you.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Next weekend

Hey everyone. I have been a total slacker and not blogged for-ever.

Anyway, just an update: Nate and I are going to the Teva Mountain Games next weekend. It's pretty much our third year going and it's pretty sweet. Nate will be competing in the One-Fly Fishing Competition. Also I am pretty stoked because we are going to be checking out the Film Fest. If you want to check it out, go here:

Finally, just so you know, it is pronounced "teva" not "teeeeva." So, don't be retarded.

BTW, I have bought Teva sandal/shoes for the occasion.
