Friday, April 25, 2008

Overly confident geeks

If you have been following my blog for any length of time, you know that I work part-time at the Apple Store. I have really enjoyed it, but the crappy part about most of the single guys who work there easily qualify as overly confident geeks.

Perhaps this explains why they work at Apple. They are really good at techy stuff. But because they are finally good at something perceived as cool, they also think that they can pick up chicks. and by chicks, I mean: me.


I currently refer to two of these guys as 'creepy guy' and 'fired guy,' because one is creepy and the other got fired from Apple a couple weeks ago. They keep telling me that they'll wear me down, that I'll give in (to a threesome?), "Things happen, you know..." And all I have to say is, "'re creepy. Get away. Get a life. And quit telling me to start smoking weed."

The end.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


This makes me laugh. Which means I am probably a sick individual.

But you knew that already, didn't you...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Worky, work

Both Nate and I work tonight, because apparently, we don't like to see each other at all.


But whatever. Maybe someday I won't work three jobs and I can see my boyfriend. And we can have sex.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Please help

I need a vacation really bad. I mean, serious bad. So if anyone wants to donate to the "Send Tawnya on Vacation" fund, please send me a check. Immediately.

Monday, April 21, 2008

A day of rest

I have decided that I am just going to take Sundays off. From posting, I mean. I may not go to church, but I think it should at least be a day of rest. Unless it's not and you are working at the Apple store. Then maybe it can just be a day at the Apple store.

The end.