Thursday, April 3, 2008

I'm obsessed

So I found out I'll get my first paycheck from Apple this weekend. I'm pretty excited but not for the money. Freak! It will be an APPLE check. I know it's dumb. But this is really cool for me.

Basically, I'm obsessed. Obsessive compulsive. That's me.
• It's standing in the CD isle at Graywhale and centering all the CDs as I flip through them.
• It's trying to make a photo look naturally eroded and organically degraded, but knowing it looks planned.
• And it's getting sucked in by Mac culture. A friend told me the other day that I'm buying into the whole thing. "You're being brainwashed by Apple," she said.

And if I am...well, I am.

So, here's to the crazy ones.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Cheesy Poofs

Fond memories of Cheetos Puffs:
• Bribing my little brother to do anything - pick up toys, be good at the grocery store, not wet his pants - with the promise of a bag.
• My little brother eating a jumbo bag in the 15 minutes it took us to get from the store to the house.
• My little brother chomping them from end to end, quick like a wood chipper.

Today at 7-11 I bought a bag of Cheetos - the puff kind - because I have wanted them for weeks but Sev has let me down on every trip. Until today.

Ah, Sev, you have finally delivered and Cheetos ... you have given me so many memories and ... now, an orange tongue.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Any Backstreet lovers in the audience?

In case you missed it on Letterman...
Or you live in a cave...
Or you are in Korea..
Here is something you probably need to see.

Monday, March 31, 2008

My one pet

I do have one pet. It's a fish. A female beta fish. Whenever I come home, I dance around in front of her bowl and say really fast, "Hi fish, hi fish, hi fish!"

This morning, when Nate first woke up, I started saying, "Hi Nate, hi Nate, hi Nate!"

"I'm not your fish," he said in a very unenthusiastic tone. So true.

But seriously, my fish is pretty rad. She zooms around in her bowl whenever she sees me. I know it's only because she thinks I'm gonna feed her.

So shut up.