Thursday, April 3, 2008

I'm obsessed

So I found out I'll get my first paycheck from Apple this weekend. I'm pretty excited but not for the money. Freak! It will be an APPLE check. I know it's dumb. But this is really cool for me.

Basically, I'm obsessed. Obsessive compulsive. That's me.
• It's standing in the CD isle at Graywhale and centering all the CDs as I flip through them.
• It's trying to make a photo look naturally eroded and organically degraded, but knowing it looks planned.
• And it's getting sucked in by Mac culture. A friend told me the other day that I'm buying into the whole thing. "You're being brainwashed by Apple," she said.

And if I am...well, I am.

So, here's to the crazy ones.

1 comment:

Dallas said...

I also have an unhealthy obsession with Apple. If sex was technology, it would be an Apple computer.