Wednesday, December 31, 2008

100 Blog Posts

So I just checked and my last post (the one from November 16th) was my 100th post.

I feel like that sentence should be punctuated with an exclamation point, as if I were yelling it or excited. But honestly, is anyone even really reading this? A 100 posts is like 100 tv episodes. Except if I had produced, written or starred in 100 episodes of anything, I would never have to work again because we would be in syndication. Somewhere. Maybe Europe. Maybe ION or TBS or the CW.

But it's just 100 blog posts and some people accomplish that in a single day. So quit dialing your mom to tell her how cool I am. I am cool. But not for that reason.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


I should have posted this Friday but didn't. So deal.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Is it effect or affect?

\i-ˈfekt, e-, ē-, ə-\
1 a: purport , intent b: basic meaning : essence
2: something that inevitably follows an antecedent (as a cause or agent)
3: an outward sign : appearance
4: accomplishment , fulfillment
5: power to bring about a result : influence

1 obsolete : feeling , affection
2: the conscious subjective aspect of an emotion considered apart from bodily changes ; also : a set of observable manifestations of a subjectively experienced emotion

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What is most important now

In a world where celebrity equals talent, and where make-believe is called reality, it is most important to have real love, truth and stability in your life.

- Bernie Brillstein
executive producer of both film and television

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Hope is risky thing. Risk is proportional to reward. And I want to be a self fulfilling prophecy.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


It's been a long time since I posted. Mostly, I have been busy and preoccupied with all kinds of stuff. Work is most often the culprit. Not an excuse. Or kind of like an excuse. excuse.

So here's to inconsistent web posts and work ruining my life.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

See it

The way I see it
Isn't necessarily
The way you see it
Or the way it is
Or ought to be
What's more important
Is that we're all
Looking for it
And a way to see it

–Desi Di Nardo
Canadian author and poet

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

No more promises

As it turns out, I'm having a hard time being motivated to update the blog. It's too bad since I have all you loyal readers. I bet you miss me, my sharp wit, my one eye. Sorry about that. But I promise to not make any more promises about updating the blog. Because it let's you down and me down and then we are sad. Together. Being sad.

In other news, I'm working on a cover story for CW. Well, I should say, I'm starting to work. It's been a little intimidating, but I'm getting it together.

Also, I am standing at Office Depot right now waiting my ass off for two copies. And I just got bumped. And I am pissed. And they are lame.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Home networking

Internet home networking system has been totally f-ed up lately. I think I got it working again. So look forward to more posts! Yay! Just wanted to let you know.

Because I know you've been checking every few minutes.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Maybe hit the delete key

The blog bores me lately. I don't seem to have much that's interesting going on. Although, I do feel I am being really productive these days with work and writing. Maybe I should just get rid of it. The blog, I mean. Thoughts? Anyone?

If you can hear my voice, please respond...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

So what if I AM lazy?

I have been published a lot lately. So sorry if this is getting old. But honestly, I'm lazy and you may as well read this if you need to get your fix:

My latest in City Weekly.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Text messages

Three text messages from three different people, all received today.

"Hello how are ya hope you are doing gratep"

"U are my fukn friend."

"There's a rainbow in the east-"

These have not been edited for content or typos. These are real. So stop asking.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Not so interesting update

Looks like it's time to update the blog.

Anything interesting? Not really. Cleaned the carpets this weekend, so now the house looks awesome.

Other than that, this will go down as the lamest blog entry in history.
Just wait.
It will.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

It's super

New CW piece hits streets today. If you're in the area, pick one up. If not, you can read it online on your own little computer screen by clicking on the SUPER AMIGOS.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Surprise moron

Letterman just played a clip of Pres. Bush talking about an onion farmer. As I am sure you can imagine, he sounded like a moron.

Yes, I know. Big surprise.

Monday, July 28, 2008


I'm working at the library today. Parking is free, the view is beautiful and there's cheap coffee downstairs. It's pretty much the best place in the world.

Anyway, read my latest CW piece HERE.

There will be another next week. So, feel free to be ecstatic.

Yep, pretty much I'm kicking this writing thing's ass.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Look forward

As the day ends, the future begins.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Article update

Got the article thing worked out. Thanks for asking.

In other news, another new piece will be out next week.

If anyone has any ideas about feature pieces, let me know. I am wanting to score a cover story by the end of the year.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Little problem

My most recent piece came out in City Weekly today. Yeah, big problem.

I wrote in my article that Luncinda Williams sang a power love song called, "Honeybee." But my editor changed it so it sounds like she is just covering someone else's song. And I am pretty pissed about it.

Not sure what to do either. I guess I will write my editor. But I am not sure how to not sound like an asshole.

I really want to say, "Why don't you just trust me when I say something? Come on...I know I can make mistakes, but seriously? SERIOUSLY? Now I just sound like I don't know what the hell I am talking about."

Probably wouldn't go over very well. But I gotta get it figured out. Soon.

Fish story


I have emerged from the wilderness triumphant! I bring you the spoils. Or at least a story.

Nate and I worked on my cast while we were in the mountains. I'm getting pretty awesome. In fact, I caught a 13" Brown Trout on a cicada dry fly.

Because I'm rad. Like that.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Goodbye cruel world

I'm going to the mountains for a couple days. Yep, just getting away from the city and the heat and the noise. Going to do a little fishing. Maybe some hiking. Mostly it'll just be nice to be with Nate and not have cell phones or work or plumbing. Well, that part I'm not too thrilled with. But I guess a toilet is a small price to pay for a little bit of sanity.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Great news.

Hey, it's Wednesday everyone!

And in the words of Craig Ferguson, "It's a great day for America, everybody."


Well, because I don't have to work tonight.

The end.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Seriously? Yes, seriously.

Today is my day off, but I went to Apple anyway. Nate's computer has been acting up, so I took it in for some service. When I turned the corner to go into the store, there was STILL a line for the iPhone.

I am not even kidding.

People have officially lost it. Or don't have lives. Or are freakin' retarded. Or all three.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Phone frenzy

Its not that I don't love you, but I have been stuck in iPhone land since Thursday. Today has been a combo of trying to get back to normal and a lot of aches and pains from long shifts.

In other news, people are crazy. Seriously. Who would camp out for two days for a telephone? I love Apple and all, but really? Really? Is that how you want to spend your Friday and Saturday? For me, it is a passion, but I also get paid. A phone is not that important. Plus in a few days, you won't have to wait in line at all. I think, anyway.

So, if you have been waiting in line for most of the weekend for your phone, please don't tell me. Because you will be confirmed crazy and we will have to break up.

The end.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


At Barnes and Noble yesterday, there was a creepy guy reading Cosmo. Which is cool, I guess. If you're a creepy guy.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Stars and capes

I often think of myself as a superhero or a freak. Maybe they are the same. Maybe they aren't. For me, they are. Because really, if you have superpowers, then you are a freak. Because you are not normal. Just like me.

Image above is WGirl from

Saturday, July 5, 2008


If you're really listening,
if you're awake
to the poignant beauty of the world,
your heart breaks regularly.
In fact, your heart is made to break;
its purpose is to burst open
again and again
so that it can hold
ever more wonders.
–Andrew Harvey,
The Return of the Mother

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Live music

Because of you, I understand the joy of live music.
Because of that, words fail me now.
Nothing more can be said.
Just breathe in the morning air.
Lift your lungs
As it washes over you.
The music of last night,
Presses through your skin
Surges through your veins
Beats against your chest
Competing with your heart.
Arms wide to embrace
This gift.
Your gift.

Who the hell is Dire Straits?

Saw another concert last night: Mark Knopfler. It was tight. I cannot even explain it. Totally amazing.

For those unfamiliar with Mark Knopfler, he was the lead vocals and guitar for Dire Straits. He is actually one of the few guys who seems to have broken with a successful band but gone on to have an awesomely successfully career. And beyond his distinct, deep voice (intoxicating), he plays the meanest guitar. As Nate's uncle put it,"You can just tell when he's playing. It's the way he touches the guitar. It's unlike anyone else." That is the best description.

Here's a taste.

Monday, June 23, 2008

A few thoughts on the end

Today was my last day at the Park Record.


A few thoughts:

If the place burns to the ground, it would be this kind of ironic twist of fate.
If certain people got hit by cars, it really wouldn't be much of a loss.
If every one good quits, a great deal of misery will end.

I could say many more things, but I won't.

I'm just glad it's over.
And I can move on.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Went to the Ani DiFranco concert last night. I wrote a preview for City Weekly. You can read that HERE.

A couple things you should know: Mom, I'm not a lesbian. Although, at the concert, I found out there are more lesbians in this state than originally thought. Oh and apparently, mohawks are back in.

For those that don't know who Ani(pronounced "ah-nee") DiFranco is, where have you been?

Here she is if you care to learn something today.


Sometimes I wish I could say things here that I can't.

Because of confidentiality,

But you know me. And I think maybe you know the things I'd say.

Even though you're on that peninsula in south Asia.

Away. 9466 kilometers or 5882 miles or 5111 nautical miles


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Day off

I am trying to use up my vacation days before I leave the newspaper. So I took today off.

I rode my bike (yes, I am back on my trusty steed. My leg is doing better, thanks for asking...) down to Graywhale (my local indie CD shop) and bought the new CD from a band I just discovered.

Check them out. Elbow, Grounds for Divorce

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The bike front

Bad news on the bike front.

Went to ride my new bike on Sunday and my front tire was flat, which was pretty awesome because I had only ridden it for about half an hour when I first put it together on Friday night.

But it was cool because Nate picked up a tire last night and fixed it.

Then we went riding and I crashed. My leg's pretty f-ed up.

Which is nice because my new job is very physical and I climb a lot of ladders.

Carrying 50 lbs.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy Birthday, Dari

In other news, Hogle Zoo's African elephant Dari turned 48 today. People went by and signed an "elephant-sized" card.

Because you know, elephants can read.


When I am at my new job at Apple, I remember how much I don't like my old job. And then I think about spaceships.

check out this and other drawings out at

Friday, June 13, 2008

Bought a bike

I bought a bike the other day. Yes, the one pictured above. It was delivered today. Yes, I purchased a bike through the mail. That's what my life has come to. I don't have time to go to local bike shops because I'm always at work.

Ironically, I bought the bike so I can ride it to work. And soon, I will have less jobs, so I could go to a bike shop.

I don't know even know what that means because I am very tired and need to go to bed.

So I'm going to.

Good night.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I am exhausted. And I am so glad that Apple came through because I really need to rest. Working too much is nice for the money...

But not so nice for the body, mind and soul.

God bless Apple.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Nate the Great

In other news, we return triumph from Vail.

Nate made it to the finals of the fly fishing competition yesterday. So he got to float down the Colorado River with a personal guide, hoping to catch the most fish and win the title.

He ended up taking home 5th out of the 55 competing anglers. And he beat out some pretty impressive guys, including a few from the US Olympic Fly Fishing Team. Who knew, right? We have an official US Team for fly fishing.

And so, here's to Nate...the Great.

Apple girl

I wanted to post this last week, but it was not official yet.

Nate calls me "Apple girl" because of my killer job working at Apple. And now even more so.

Apple offered me a full-time job last Monday. Hell yes.

I won't be on the floor like I have been. I will be working in the Back of House doing inventory control and becoming a product specialist. You know, keep stuff organized, do paperwork, basically kick ass.

I am stoked and quitting the Park Record.

FYI, WWDC is today. So thankfully, any news about iPhone and such will be announced and people can stop coming into the store begging for tidbits of info.

Back to fill you in.

I have slacked lately, especially last week when I was preparing for Vail. But I am back and you can look for new posts. I have a ton of updates so I will be posting throughout the day today for your reading pleasure.

Enjoy the many posts!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

My best friend

I work too much
And sometimes
It seems like we are best friends who see each other infrequently.
Conversation has slowed to pathetic play-by-plays
Of our days.
I should dig deeper,
Tell you things like I used to.
But the exhaustion eats me
And sleep doesn't afford me the strength.

I have traded time with you
For responsibility.

My best friend. I miss you.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Next weekend

Hey everyone. I have been a total slacker and not blogged for-ever.

Anyway, just an update: Nate and I are going to the Teva Mountain Games next weekend. It's pretty much our third year going and it's pretty sweet. Nate will be competing in the One-Fly Fishing Competition. Also I am pretty stoked because we are going to be checking out the Film Fest. If you want to check it out, go here:

Finally, just so you know, it is pronounced "teva" not "teeeeva." So, don't be retarded.

BTW, I have bought Teva sandal/shoes for the occasion.


Thursday, May 22, 2008

A hole in the head

I think I'm going to unsubscribe from Twitter. I haven't twittered in three days and I hardly find time to blog, so why would I twitter? I could just use my blog to twitter. After all, Twitter is like multiple updates throughout the day. And if something is really important, I can just blog about it.

Stupid Twitter, making me think I needed it and stuff. Yeah, need it like a hole in the head.

Monday, May 19, 2008

fishing is stupid

It's easy to think that when you wake up at the butt crack of dawn so you can drive three hours to fish. But then you get there and the water is so calm and still, the way you wish you felt inside. The rhythm of casting takes over and everything else melts away. It's an oasis, not just in the desert but a place separate from the rest of the world.

Then a lack of sleep and the fact that you keep rowing the wrong way, seem pretty insignificant.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

fishing is weird

Yep, been pretty crappy about keeping up on the blog lately. It's basically because I tend to believe that no one reads it. It's hard to be motivated when you feel that way. I'm definately not the kind of person who can just write and not have someone read it. I NEED TO BE HEARD, DAMMIT!!!

Anyway. that's pretty much it. Going fishing tomorrow with Nate. Apparently, I will be wearing waders, boots...the whole schmeal. It'll be weird, I'm sure. Oh, yeah, did I mention I will be in a pontoon boat.

Yeah, this is gonna be really weird.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Basically, exactly

I was thinking of starting to use Twitter, but this is basically exactly what I have always envisioned Twitter to be, so maybe not.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Another reason Apple kicks ass

Totally didn't believe this, but it is true. And crazy.

Read the article HERE.

Friday, May 9, 2008

minus fat lasagna loving cat

My awesome friend Kristina showed me my best, new favorite site to be discovered by mankind ever today. (Yes, that was bad grammar and I like it that way.) It's called Garfield minus in the cat from the comic strip. The description of the site uses words like, "bipolar," "schizophrenia," and "everyman." Now that is what I call, "pretty much kick-A."

Thursday, May 8, 2008

We need new jobs.

Yesterday, Nate told me about talking to some friends at the fishing shop and getting so excited that he wanted to "quit my job and just go fishing all the time."

"Me too...and then I would..."

"Write all the time."

"Yeah, and work at the Apple Store. I'd really like that."

"We should do it."

"And get a dog. Do it and get a dog."

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Today is your lucky day.

Today is my sister's birthday. We are two years apart. Before she was born, I wanted a puppy far more than I wanted a little sister. But my dad said we couldn't get one until my sister was born and we moved to Ohio.

On the day of her birth, my dad took me to the nursery so I could peer in and see my sister. After glancing in, I turned to him and said, "Ok, move to Ohio and get a puppy! We got this job done, let's move onto the next task."

Apparently, I was a remarkable child. Or so my mom says.


Why do people come to the Apple Store?

To buy stuff. To use the internet.

And ask, "Could you ever go back to PC?"






I will be blogging twice today to make up for my lack of blogging lately.

I mean twice besides this. This doesn't really count.

Stay tuned...

Friday, May 2, 2008

One-sided conversation

A real conversation overheard in my office (aka the newspaper, not the Apple store)

(A cell phone rings and co-worker picks up. Please be advised that this is just HIS half of the conversation...I have no idea what was said on the other end...)


"You fainted?"

"You mean, like you passed out or you just fell asleep?"

(And then he left the room.)

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Pat is a hater.

You might not be able to appreciate this if you have never used Photoshop, but then again, maybe you can.

Pat doesn't like it. Whatever. We're in the biggest fight ever.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Feeling kind of non-bloggy

Yesterday, I got real sick. Which is why there was no blog. I still feel real sick today, but I came to work because I can sit on my ass and watch tv on my computer. Which pretty much is what I would be doing if I stayed home. Only I would watch on an actual tv, not a computer.

This blog is pretty boring, but whatever.

I am too sick to care.

Monday, April 28, 2008


I dyed my hair on Sunday. For those who don't know, I have been dying it consistently since 2001. Honestly, I have no idea what my "real" hair color is.

It's pretty much black now. But that was on accident. It was supposed to be dark brown. Yeah...not so much. It ' pretty cool though because it has shades of blue and purple in it, but that's just a nice side effect.

Today, I twisted it back into little mini buns/twisty things all over my head. I don't have a pic, which sucks.

And I don't know why I'm blogging about this because it is stupid.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


I know I said I was taking Sundays off, but I forgot to blog yesterday because, well, I forgot.

So I'm blogging today.

Pretty much, though, I don't have anything to say. Except I'm taking up a new sport. Really. Don't laugh. Very much.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Overly confident geeks

If you have been following my blog for any length of time, you know that I work part-time at the Apple Store. I have really enjoyed it, but the crappy part about most of the single guys who work there easily qualify as overly confident geeks.

Perhaps this explains why they work at Apple. They are really good at techy stuff. But because they are finally good at something perceived as cool, they also think that they can pick up chicks. and by chicks, I mean: me.


I currently refer to two of these guys as 'creepy guy' and 'fired guy,' because one is creepy and the other got fired from Apple a couple weeks ago. They keep telling me that they'll wear me down, that I'll give in (to a threesome?), "Things happen, you know..." And all I have to say is, "'re creepy. Get away. Get a life. And quit telling me to start smoking weed."

The end.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


This makes me laugh. Which means I am probably a sick individual.

But you knew that already, didn't you...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Worky, work

Both Nate and I work tonight, because apparently, we don't like to see each other at all.


But whatever. Maybe someday I won't work three jobs and I can see my boyfriend. And we can have sex.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Please help

I need a vacation really bad. I mean, serious bad. So if anyone wants to donate to the "Send Tawnya on Vacation" fund, please send me a check. Immediately.

Monday, April 21, 2008

A day of rest

I have decided that I am just going to take Sundays off. From posting, I mean. I may not go to church, but I think it should at least be a day of rest. Unless it's not and you are working at the Apple store. Then maybe it can just be a day at the Apple store.

The end.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The world

Americans are, notoriously, completely unaware when it comes to geography. But this map proves that's not true. We totally get it.

Friday, April 18, 2008


Craig Ferguson. Watch him. Now.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Go ahead, Gossip.

I'm a Letterman fan as some of you know. Last night, trying to wind down, I saw this band perform live on the show. Never heard of them. But it was hard to ignore. The lead singer (Beth Ditto) has, as Nate described it, "a primal scream that is somehow controlled." So true. You can check them out by clicking the photo above. And now I'm headed to Orion's to buy their CD.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

7-11 microwaves bad, but Slurpees still good

I go to 7-11 all the time because it's just the other side of my office complex. I get treats and coffee there. Granted, the coffee is not as good as the BK Lounge, but it's not terrible either. Don't laugh, the BK Lounge imports their coffee from Germany and it is far superior to your Einstein Brother's crap.

Anyway, what is wrong with people?

In your face

Saturday night, we went out to dinner with a couple of Nate's friends. We went to Pat's BBQ. I haven't been eating meat and they didn't have a vegetarian menu, so I had ribs. I had the meat sweats later, but those ribs were the best damn ribs I've ever had. And I'm not just saying that because I have been off meat. Everyone said that and they actually have a frame of reference. Anyway...if you are looking for really good BBQ in Salt Lake City, Pat's is the place to go.

After all, the logo does say, "in your face barbecue."

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Alien vs. Predator

I have nothing pithy to say.

So click RIGHT HERE instead.

Thank you.
Have a nice day.

PS. Big shout out to my friends at the Apple Store for the link.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Ira Glass loves fly fishing

Blog Icon

Night before last, Nate delivered some custom flies to a fly fishing enthusiast/photographer that he knows. He asked me if I wanted to go, meet the guy, get a portrait done. Umm...yeah. Not really into pictures of myself taken by other people.

When Nate came home, he handed me a poster from "This American Life." I freakin' jumped up and down, screaming like a little girl at a Hannah Montana concert.

See, this guy was the still photographer when Showtime did a shoot in Utah for the "This American Life" TV series. Basically, he has a bunch of pictures and schwag from the show hanging around. It's probably good that I didn't go with Nate. Acting like you're at a Hannah Montana concert in someone's living room makes people uncomfortable and makes you look insaner than normal.

At this point if you don't know what "This American Life" is, then we're totally breaking up.

If you want to start dating again, please go HERE and bone up on "This American Life."

Friday, April 11, 2008

This + This + This = good movie?

I heard about this movie yesterday called "Blindsight." It's about these kids (ages 14-19) who...well, hell. Let's just quote the website: "Blindsight follows the gripping adventure of six Tibetan teenagers on their journey to climb a mountain in the shadow of Everest."

The mountain they are climbing is called
Lhakpa-Ri which means "stormy mountain." It's just 6,000 feet shorter than Everest. (Is that even the right way to say that? "Shorter?" Can a mountain be shorter?)

It sounds pretty interesting, has won some awards but the trailer is less than impressive. I hope that means the movie will be good.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Putting crap to good use

There's this housing project going up in SLC called City Center Lofts. Nate and I were like, "Whatever. A new development," until we found out the condos are being made out of old storage containers. It's a green effort, a recycled effort, something pretty exciting.

One of the designers of this project has some pretty cool ideas about architecture. (see above)

And now, Nate and I just needa little plot of land and we'll put a "Quik House" on it. Seriously, guys, I haven't stopped thinking about this since I found it on the interweb.

Now you, too, can be obsessed (if it's in your nature and stuff.)

First, apologies are in order.

I have fallen off the blog bandwagon. I didn't mean to, but it's hard when basically, you have three jobs! But now, I am back.

Plus, also, my little sister wrote this on my Facebook wall: "SASS! Whats going on with your blog? I need to read it every day so my life is complete! J/K but serously! Well Love ya.XOXO"

I assume you all feel the same way. Of course, you do. Otherwise, why would you be here reading my blog?


Thursday, April 3, 2008

I'm obsessed

So I found out I'll get my first paycheck from Apple this weekend. I'm pretty excited but not for the money. Freak! It will be an APPLE check. I know it's dumb. But this is really cool for me.

Basically, I'm obsessed. Obsessive compulsive. That's me.
• It's standing in the CD isle at Graywhale and centering all the CDs as I flip through them.
• It's trying to make a photo look naturally eroded and organically degraded, but knowing it looks planned.
• And it's getting sucked in by Mac culture. A friend told me the other day that I'm buying into the whole thing. "You're being brainwashed by Apple," she said.

And if I am...well, I am.

So, here's to the crazy ones.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Cheesy Poofs

Fond memories of Cheetos Puffs:
• Bribing my little brother to do anything - pick up toys, be good at the grocery store, not wet his pants - with the promise of a bag.
• My little brother eating a jumbo bag in the 15 minutes it took us to get from the store to the house.
• My little brother chomping them from end to end, quick like a wood chipper.

Today at 7-11 I bought a bag of Cheetos - the puff kind - because I have wanted them for weeks but Sev has let me down on every trip. Until today.

Ah, Sev, you have finally delivered and Cheetos ... you have given me so many memories and ... now, an orange tongue.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Any Backstreet lovers in the audience?

In case you missed it on Letterman...
Or you live in a cave...
Or you are in Korea..
Here is something you probably need to see.

Monday, March 31, 2008

My one pet

I do have one pet. It's a fish. A female beta fish. Whenever I come home, I dance around in front of her bowl and say really fast, "Hi fish, hi fish, hi fish!"

This morning, when Nate first woke up, I started saying, "Hi Nate, hi Nate, hi Nate!"

"I'm not your fish," he said in a very unenthusiastic tone. So true.

But seriously, my fish is pretty rad. She zooms around in her bowl whenever she sees me. I know it's only because she thinks I'm gonna feed her.

So shut up.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Seriously...I'm a liar.

Hey, you know how I promised two posts yesterday?

I'm a liar.
Because I didn't do it.

So, I just got home from my second day on the Apple floor. The pace is insane. The only thing I can compare it to is:

a daily newspaper.

There's always something going on. It's go go go go


I'm dead tonight. Dead on my feet. Nate says my body will adjust soon. I will be so happy when it does. Thank god for body adaptation.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Blog-a-log twice

I didn't blog yesterday. I forgot a lot of things yesterday. Like umm...well, I can't think of anything right now because I forgot.

Today, I will blog twice to make up for it. I know everyone depends on this to get a high during the day.

Tonight will be my first shift on the Apple Store floor. I am anxious, excited and kind of "butterfly in my stomach"-like. It will be so awesomely cool. I feel like a kid on Christmas. Yep, a freakin' kid waiting for Santa.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Sometimes, just because New Pat's car has turbo, I think fire will come shooting out the back. Or maybe just rocket explosions of power. But it doesn't, which is too bad.

My commute through Parley's Canyon is like a NASCAR race every day. You have to dodge things too, which makes it harder than NASCAR. Things like moose and deer and UPS trucks. I'm surprised sometimes that I'm still alive. Which means I will probably die in a horrific accident tomorrow.

If I had nuclear fusion, then I would just convert my car into a flying car. That'd be better than any car out there.

Even the Prius.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Enya...but not really.

Today was production day at the newspaper. That means we put the pages together, individually, on the computer. Yes, it is very old school. And I don't mean "old skool" like it's awesomely retro or anything.

This means it's usually a pretty stressful day, but then New Pat decided we needed some calming music. We turned on some crazy CD called "Pure Moods." It was so soothing, like something you would hear in a spa. And I didn't get stressed out. It was amazing. We have decided (New Pat and I) that we need music like that every day. So I am on the prowl for more. New Pat thinks we should get a CD of whales and ocean waves. But I feel like we are cheesy enough with the Enya sort of musc we were playing today.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Pets. I wish I had one.

I want a dog. A big dog. Like a Great Dane or Akita. But we live in an apartment, so it's highly unlikely. Probably, we can't even get a little dog. After all, we live on the 10th floor and there is no way that any animal, who has to pee, would ever make it down the stairs in time.

So the whole dog thing would be pretty cruel, I guess, in more ways that one.

That makes me a sad Panda. If you watch South Park, you know what I mean.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

30 is the new fabulous and 39 is the new sexy

I finished my Apple training yesterday. Only not really. I have mentoring to come, which should be freakin' cool because you get to be 1-on-1 with a trainer.

Getting this job has started me thinking about a lot of things. For those who can't do math or don't know what year I was born, I turned 30 exactly twenty days ago. It has been a strange transition. It hits me kind of hard about once a day. And I don't have anything profound to say about it. I suppose that I didn't really have plans for when I got to this place in life. But then again, I didn't think I would be here.

My sister says 30 is the new fabulous. I take some comfort in that. But then I am reading in Esquire that 39 is sexy. BTW, Esquire is my subscription, not Nate's...and yes, I know it's strange.

Now that I have turned 30, I cannot imagine turning 40. (Am I going to live that long? This was also kind of my reaction to turning 20 and looking forward to 30.)

But reading about "sexy at 39" kind of...well, actually totally made me feel better. That and the fact that Tiny Fey is almost 38 and totally hot, successful and funny. I would totally make out with her.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Apple. 1984. Is. Awesome.

I have Apple training tomorrow. Yeah, I work for Apple now, for those who don't know, or haven't read my whole blog, or haven't been with us since the beginning.

The first day of training, we got to watch this video. You may be familiar with it. It aired during the 1984 Superbowl. It was then aired one more time so Apple could be considered for an award. So maybe you haven't seen it, since it literally aired twice in the history of the world.

Anyway, I will let you see it now.


Thursday, March 20, 2008

How The Consumerist saved my life

Okay, if you have a problem with Sprint, or really any cell phone company, you need to call the Executive Customer Service line. They have the power man. Seriously. If you are trying to locate the number for this magical line, go to the link on my favorite sites (located in my sidebar) and check out The Consumerist.

They have a fantastic search engine. You can look for anything, any important customer service info in any industry. It is a freakin' amazing site. Seriously.

Check it.

Sprint Executive Customer Care

Hey, I have been on the phone with Sprint Executive Customer Care for about 32 mins at this point. But the lady is being super cool and I have to say this is the best experience I have had with Sprint like ever. But I will keep you updated. So far...yeah, I don't mind being on the phone, except for the elevator music when I am on hold. That kind of sucks, but also makes me want to dance. But since I am on a landline...that is kind of hard.

Damn. Maybe a dance party will spontaneously happen later.

I heart spiders

Last night, to relieve some stress, I worked with my Spider Plant. I've had the thing since college, if you can believe that. I

clipped 11 baby spiders off the plant last night. Crazy, right? So, I am trying to get them to root. I figure I have pretty good odds since I have 11 little guys. I

know it might not look like I have that many in the window, but I had to stick 2 or 3 babies into each vase or cup. We are running low on cups, so I couldn't monopolize too many. After all, it may take up to 10 days to 2 weeks for the little guys to get their legs.

If even one makes it, I'll be happy. Then it can come to work and live on my desk and smile at me. That'll be nice. Happy little spider anyway.