Saturday, November 15, 2008

Is it effect or affect?

\i-ˈfekt, e-, ē-, ə-\
1 a: purport , intent b: basic meaning : essence
2: something that inevitably follows an antecedent (as a cause or agent)
3: an outward sign : appearance
4: accomplishment , fulfillment
5: power to bring about a result : influence

1 obsolete : feeling , affection
2: the conscious subjective aspect of an emotion considered apart from bodily changes ; also : a set of observable manifestations of a subjectively experienced emotion

1 comment:

Brandon Burt said...

Yes, this is one of those language conundrums that we always grapple with! Here are some of my other favorites:

"compliment" vs. "complement"

"discreet" vs. "discrete"

"capital" vs. "capitol"