Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Day off

I am trying to use up my vacation days before I leave the newspaper. So I took today off.

I rode my bike (yes, I am back on my trusty steed. My leg is doing better, thanks for asking...) down to Graywhale (my local indie CD shop) and bought the new CD from a band I just discovered.

Check them out. Elbow, Grounds for Divorce

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The bike front

Bad news on the bike front.

Went to ride my new bike on Sunday and my front tire was flat, which was pretty awesome because I had only ridden it for about half an hour when I first put it together on Friday night.

But it was cool because Nate picked up a tire last night and fixed it.

Then we went riding and I crashed. My leg's pretty f-ed up.

Which is nice because my new job is very physical and I climb a lot of ladders.

Carrying 50 lbs.