Thursday, May 29, 2008

My best friend

I work too much
And sometimes
It seems like we are best friends who see each other infrequently.
Conversation has slowed to pathetic play-by-plays
Of our days.
I should dig deeper,
Tell you things like I used to.
But the exhaustion eats me
And sleep doesn't afford me the strength.

I have traded time with you
For responsibility.

My best friend. I miss you.

1 comment:

Me said...

BTW I love your blog. I try to read it every day but have been a slacker lately. I even started a blog. It has only 2 entries but it is a start. It is really just for when I deploy but you know. I will use it now too.
I love you. Keep writing even if it is just for me. Because after all, I am worth it.