Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I am exhausted. And I am so glad that Apple came through because I really need to rest. Working too much is nice for the money...

But not so nice for the body, mind and soul.

God bless Apple.


Me said...


Unknown said...

Can you still take Pat to work and come and get him? Please!


Pat's Mom

Me said...

I thought you said you were back but it is Friday and no posts since Tuesday. What are you busy or something? Hahaha! Sorry, I don't mean to pour salt in the wound but you know misery loves company.
I mostly just love you not misery or company. I miss you. I need to talk to on the TeLePhOnO due to a change of dates in my life. Calendar dates not dinner and a movie dates--the status of those dates are still the same: non-existent :) I love you.